You're probably thinking, "oh man, she's going to blog about her husband." Fortunately for you (and probably him too), I'm not - even though I think he is.
When standing in line at the grocery too long, I am prone to those spontaneous purchases that leave me wondering a few hours later why I spent 5 good dollars on 'fill in your favorite frivolous thing'. This week it was the Sexiest Man Alive issue of People magazine. I held my emotional purchase in check until I turned to the page that cast Mayhem as the Sexiest GPS Alive.
You know, Mayhem. The Allstate Insurance spokesman. The one that impersonates a raccoon, a blind spot and now the Sexiest GPS Alive. Yes, I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Not because I think he is the sexiest GPS ever (I'm still holding out for one that sounds like Sean Connery), but because I was drawn in by what our society considers sexy - great hair, piercing eyes, good grooming habits, lover of animals/the opposite sex/their mom.
Very little is mentioned of honor, integrity, honesty or a deep love of people. Not that the sexiest guys selected by People don't possess those qualities. They just aren't the qualities that make for stable editorial jobs. The whole notion of sexy is succiently summarized on the two-page spread that announces what sexy looks like at every age - from Tyler Posey (age 20) to Liam Neeson (age 59) and a face for every year in between.
And I'm left wondering if we really believe Mayhem's ad copy:
"He might not know where he's going. But we still want to ask for directions. Recalculating? Yes, please!"
Personally, I'd like to get directions from the one who knows the way.