And this year I followed a lot of links about goals, mindsets, habits and the like. I found some articles about naming intentions and noticed that my intentions connected to my 3 words - I wrote out intentions first. So here are my 3 words AND my 3 intentions.
There are many things to be thankful for. Even in the hard things, if I look closely enough there are beautiful moments. In 2017, I will seek to celebrate things big and small. But especially the small every-day situations, conversations, sadnesses and luxuries in an effort to be present in the moment not worried about tomorrow or dwelling on yesterday.I intend to live to live in gratitude for all that I have and all that I am, allowing joy an love to fill my heart and positive energy to fill my body.
As in 'the final frontier'. Sort of. I do not allow for space in my life. It’s a bit how I’m wired and I’m comfortable with that. But it’s also a bit how I hide and I’m not so comfortable with that. I like to experience new things, travel different places, meet new people. In fact, if you read my enneagram I’m the type of person who is likely planning her next vacation while happily sitting on a cruise ship deck or touring the Sydney Opera House. And so not only does that make it difficult to say no to things, it means I actually seek out non-stop experiences. Space, therefore, seems like the final frontier. Somewhere I’ve not explored and honestly have been a bit afraid to. In 2017, I’ll proactively create space, silence, solitude and hold open the possibility that absolutely nothing might happen there. Or something might. Who knows.I intend to see God at work around me, in me and through me so that my vision for my life and the world might expand.
You can tell by my house that I am a starter of things. Quilts. Laundry. Meals. And in my work. Projects. Organizational methods. To do lists. But you can also tell that finishing things is not a strong suit. And while I’m typically more interested in improving my skills and gifting rather that working on my weaknesses, this is one area that I universally feel compelled to address. I’m not trying to finish everything for that would be madness. But I do want to finish the important things. So this word is about listening for the important things and finishing them well. Even if that means delegation.I intend to live into my Creator’s gifting to me, celebrating the good, pruning the harmful and being the most effective version of myself.