I can't put into words how I feel about being able to write my 3 words for 2020. 2019 was quite a year and I'm entering 2020 with a hope and energy that is both renewed and just discovered already within myself. My words for 2019 were meaningful and yet not as impactful as they could have been if I'd not been distracted by life. Going into 2020, I'm drawing on two words that have been close to my heart for a few years but have not made my list for some reason. And, of course, because I'm an enneagram 7 I had to include something new too!
Here are my words for 2020:
I love my freedom or conversely I don't much care for being told what I can and cannot do. I recently listened to a great podcast that described how our modern day thinking is still influenced by Augustine's philosophy that dates back to late 300AD. One thing they discuss is the difference between "freedom from" vs "freedom for". As an American especially, I really embraced the "freedom from" perspective...as in I don't have to do what you tell me to because I have the freedom to do what I want, when I want and how I want. But the power of "freedom for" is so much more compelling, once I understood it. Because I have freedom, I can have so much more growth and impact by limiting myself to things I have "freedom for"...guardrails as it were...all things are permissable but not all things are beneficial. In 2020, I will look for guardrails and operate within constraints in an effort to maximize my freedom for posture.Connection
When I first did work to come up with my "one word" I wasn't able to choose just one. Ironic in light of my previous word. However, I've always loved the paradox of having freedom and connection at the same time. And since, connection is one of my top 5 strengths it makes sense to intentionally build deeper, meaningful connections with people in 2020.Single-Tasking
My last word for 2020 is single-tasking. As you might suspect, it is the opposite of multi-tasking. This will be a difficult adjustment for me and I acknowledge it early on. Most of the time, I have at least two things going on in my minute-by-minute activities. Work a puzzle while a movie is playing on my iPad. Writing emails while listening to Pandora. Typing this post while watching college football. It is a rare moment when I'm doing only one thing especially if it's something that can be done in silence. And so, in 2020, I will look for ways to incorporate single-tasking into my daily life in effort to be present and focused on those around me (and hopefully my spelling will improve).For a refresher, you can read Chris Brogan's overview of how the three words works.