Friday, December 28, 2018

My Three Words - 2019 Edition

2018 was a whirlwind with some of the most surreal, out of body experiences I have ever had. Perhaps the most indescribable year of my life so far. And my words for 2018 were spot on. For a refresher, you can read Chris Brogan's overview of how the three words works. 

Here are my words for 2019:


I will actively seek opportunities to experience peace. And not peace that I attempt to manufacture, but the peace that comes from my Creator. I want to experience peace with my whole being. That means I need to consistently acknowledge that peace is within my grasp and embrace it.


Part of experiencing peace for me is directly correlated to the pace of my life. 2018 taught me that I actually do go a mile a minute. Or did. But my circumstances in the past 9 months have shown me a new, slower, more valuable pace of life. A pace that creates space for deep friendships, hearing God speak, and sitting with the hard things of life. In 2019, I will intentionally live at a pace that creates space for the meaningful things of this life.


The things in life that bring the deepest joy and richest connection require practice. They do not happen by accident (usually). In 2019, I look forward to deepening new practices in tai chi, yoga, meditation and centering prayer as well as discovering new practices that draw me closer to my Creator, my family and my tribe.

As an enneagram 7, I love planning and looking forward to new things. But I'm looking forward to 2019 through a different lens that is the direct result of my journey in 2018. I hope that you're looking forward to 2019 as well!

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