Friday, April 22, 2011

Just What the Doctor Ordered

I'm waiting in a small town gas station for my husband to finish filling up the tank so I can pay. Unfortunately for both of us, he picked the pump that put out a tenth of a gallon a minute - fast enough for a small town filling station I suppose. And so I'm left standing aside the register watching people come and go - buying lottery tickets, gum and the like, making small talk with the sweet woman behind the counter.

Clearly there were regulars and the occasional out of town visitor, like me. But the person who captured my attention was a women who came in wearing a saggy grey sweatsuit and complaining about her sinus headache. She looked appropriately miserable for a person suffering the pounding rhythm of full sinuses and too little sleep. The sweet woman behind the counter rang up the purchases and asked the ailing woman if she wanted a bag. She said, "Goodness no. These are to help kick my sinus headache." And she walked out of the station with her cigarettes in her pocket, a Dr Pepper in one hand and a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg in the other.

And I wondered how many times I've walked around with a 'cure' in my pocket or a food pick-me-up in my hand. And I 'knew better'. But I still didn't 'choose better'. And I still don't always choose better but at least now I'm accounting for the principle that everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. It's a good place to start when the chocolate cupcakes are calling my name after a long, hard day.

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