This is my third year in the "3 Words" world. Chris Brogan talks a lot about selecting three words with which to theme the year. Instead of a list of resolutions that will surely be broken by January 15, finding three words or themes for the year provide a fluidity to life with a some basis for grounded decision making.
I selected three words for the first time in 2011 - connect, share, ship. These words impacted my behavior and resulted in some fascinating experiences that I may take the time to blog about some day. In 2012, my words were breathe, flow, move. And 2012 turned out to be a wonderful year to let go a bit more, pick my battles more carefully and spend more time filling my heart with ideas.
And so, I thougtht I would be addressing 2013 with fresh confidence and vigor. Instead, I struggled with my three words. The first one, Courage, came very easily. The second word was forced and subsquently thrown out, but not before my husband gave me my third word - Decisive. Not shortly after being called to be more decisive, did I change my second word to Improv. See why:
Courage - My 2012 Steve Jobs wall calendar exclaimed to me,"Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become." So in 2013 I will have the courage to take steps I need to take - over, around or through the roadblocks I or others may put in my way.
Improv - Not 'improve' although I hope to always be doing that. Improv as in Improvisational Theater where most of the action is created at the moment it is performed, with little or no pre-planning. For me, the key is being in the moment and building upon it. It's about 'Yes and' instead of 'No because'. This will be quite a stretch for me.
Decisive - My husband very quickly came to my aid with this word when I told him I was struggling. And I struggled with taking on someone else's interpretation of my words, even though my husband knows me better than anyone else. So in the car one dark morning on the way to work, I embraced this word and it is the one I believe will challenge me the most. I want to continue to see the possibilities and arrange the pieces, but most of all I want to make concrete decisions, lead boldly and from a place of honesty.
I would love to hear your three words if you have them. And would certainly welcome you inquiring about mine throughout the year.
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