Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My Three Words - 2018 Edition

It's stunning just how fast each year goes by and yet also how slowly. For a refresher, you can read Chris Brogan's overview of how the three words works and see what his words are for this year. When I first started the '3 words' thing, I used to take the whole month of December to let words rattle around in my brain until they felt right. Maybe it's age or the fact that this past holiday season has had it's share of change, but I've settled on three words which came quickly and stuck. So here they are:


Initially, this word settled on my because there are many things in my life that need work. But really, it's about fixing my eyes on the One who sustains me, cares for me and loves me at my most unlovable. And through that relationship, hopefully some things will be mended and I'll be anchored more firmly in myself - rather than the alternative (according to Websters) of finding myself in difficult predicaments or leaning on the next dose of whatever distracts me.


I frequently note my need to slow down, make space and think more deeply. This word is that but it's also the idea of letting love and kindness and goodness show through me to others. Living less out of my need for self control and creature comforts. Living more into the world and offering it the good that is in me.

Ship (which is very similar to "finish" from last year)

I was struck by the phrase "deliver don't doubt" and know that many times I don't finish or ship work because I doubt its' value, my value. This year I will embrace the imperfect in myself, my work and my world because it can't be perfect anyway so why get my panties in a bunch? Besides, I don't know how someone will respond to my offering in whatever state of its' imperfection. Like these sentences which no doubt have poor grammar and improper punctuation, but hey my 3 words are out there in the world even if their story is less than perfect!

Bonus Word: Purple!

Because it's the color of the year. And that's reason enough to celebrate!

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